In over 25 years of activity, we have successfully completed over 90 projects that we are proud to have been part of. Starting with 2015, we have expanded our field of activity as a general contractor in civil engineering.
Backed by a vast experience and specialized knowledge, we work closely with partners to plan and implement as best as possible their requirements. Through the internal organization of the company, we provide specialized personnel to approach each project as well as a good organization according to the latest principles of project management.
In all NOVAINTERMED projects, it is based on professionals, ranging from selected suppliers to service engineers, contractors and architects.
Year/Implementation period 2014 (4 months)
Amount: EUR 4,692,976.53
High complexity project, consisting in providing top equipment to the compartments within the ONCOGEN Centre, namely HLA typing – transplant, molecular biology, cell cultures, flow cytometry, experimental research, chemistry – toxicology, cellular imaging and histology, etc.
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (11 months)
Amount: EUR 4,424,187
The Advanced Center for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research operates in a building of over 4,000 square meters and contains over 400 research facilities, some of which are unique in the country.
Beneficiary: UMF Cluj-NAPOCA
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (3 months)
Amount: EUR 1,112,000
The project consisted in the delivery of a complete liquid chromatography platform coupled with mass spectrometry for proteomics applications, part of the equipment supply to the investment objective “RESEARCH CENTER FOR ADVANCED MEDICINE – MEDFUTURE” within the project ”Development of integrated research infrastructure for advanced medicine and translational medicine in order to increase scientific competitiveness at international level in the fields of health” at “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca.
Beneficiary: INCD ECOIND
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (6 months);
Amount: EUR 144,000
The project, unique in Romania, consisted in providing a mobile laboratory of dynamic olfactometry, equipped with all the necessary equipment for collecting and analyzing air samples to determine the odor level, as well as a weather station to determine the direction and speed of wind, temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, nebulosity and solar radiation.
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (1 month);
Amount: EUR 71,750
Supply of medical equipment, medical software and related consumables, necessary for carrying out the practical training activity within the project “Development of Transplant Skills” (DCT) identification no. POSDRU 186/3.2/S/155295, co-financed by the European Social Fund, Priority Axis no. 3 “increasing adaptability of workers and enterprises, Key area of intervention 3.2 ”Training and support for companies and employees to promote adaptability”.
Within this project, we ensured the installation and commissioning of syringe pumps and vacuum pumps.
Beneficiary: IMOGEN CLUJ
Year/Implementation period: 2013 (4 months)
Amount: EUR 700,000
Within this project, Novaintermed delivered state-of-the-art equipment for equipping the investment objective “Center for advanced, fundamental, clinical and imaging studies for long-term correlation of intrauterine development parameters with the neuro-psycho-motor status during development until adulthood – IMOGEN ”
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (2 months)
Amount: EUR 113,700
The object of the contract consisted in the supply of apparatus and equipment destined for equipping the laboratories within the project “Reabilitarea, Consolidarea, Modernizarea şi Dotarea Staţiunii de Cercetări Ecologice Sulina (Rehabilitation, Consolidation, Modernization and Equipping of the Sulina Ecological Research Station)”.
Within Lot 1, 31 pieces of equipment for chemistry/biochemistry and molecular biology/microbiology were delivered.
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (2 months)
Amount: EUR 595,300
Research equipment and medical licenses within the project “Centru de Cercetare și Telemedicină în bolile neurologice la copii (Center for Research and Telemedicine in neurological disorders in children)”. Within this project, Novaintermed provided a Genetic Sequencing Line.
This Genetic Sequencing Line was composed of over 100 pieces of equipment, accessories and reagents for the equipment provided, including: Sequencer, Nucleic acid and protein quantifier, Agarose gel electrophoresis, Automated Electrophoresis System, Nucleic acid extraction module, Blood DNA extraction kit, Real-Time PCR system, Bioreactor, Microfluidic platform.
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (1 month)
Amount: EUR 112,970
Supply, installation, commissioning and staff training – research equipment within the ONCOGEN project. This project consisted in providing GMP furniture for the clean room.
Beneficiary: IMT BUCHAREST
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (4 months)
Amount: EUR 989,000
The general objective of the CENASIC project is to amplify and diversify the research, development and innovation (R&D&I) activity of IMT-Bucharest, through a new orientation within the field of micro and nano-technologies for integrated systems and advanced carbon-based nanomaterials.
The project consisted in the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a White Room as well as the system of process gas facilities; supply and commissioning of three chemical process hoods with acids, solvents and bases, respectively; supply and installation of a phase separator for liquid nitrogen.
Beneficiary: UAT GORJ
Year/Implementation period: 2016 (6 months)
Amount: EUR 323,000
The object consists in the realization of design services and the execution of the works for the achievement of the investment objective “Arrangement of administrative space Târgu-Jiu County Emergency Hospital, 18 Progresului Street”.
The administrative space was created by flooring the household group that is located inside the hospital, next to the building – the existing thermal power plant. The improved area is 700 sqm. A number of about 20 offices, restrooms, conference rooms, archive, office, etc. were created.
Beneficiary: UMF CLUJ -NAPOCA
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (3 months)
Amount: EUR 22,220
The project involved the supply and installation of an artificial ventilation system.
The purpose of the system is to provide clean air and to reduce odors, toxic gases, pathogenic/non-pathogenic biological agents as well as to eliminate excessive heat and humidity.
Beneficiary: UAT GORJ
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (10 months)
Amount: EUR 1,584,387
This project requested the rehabilitation, modernization and equipment of the Târgu-Jiu County Emergency Hospital outpatient clinic building located in Târgu-Jiu, 18 Progresului Street, according to the rules and regulations in force (structural, hygienic and sanitary, thermotechnical).
The rehabilitation works refer to the actual body of the Outpatient Clinic and aimed at aligning the construction to current fire safety regulations, implementing the necessary measures to comply with the rules for people with disabilities and thermal rehabilitation of the building. The restoration of vertical circulations, electrical wiring and plumbing were added to these. The works to be executed consisted of: – Structural works; – Architectural works; – Plumbing works (thermal, sanitary, electrical, natural gas use facilities, fire signaling installations, etc.)
The facilities part of the outpatient clinic consisted in the supply, installation and commissioning of the following elements: medical equipment, medical furniture, non-medical furniture and specific medical equipment.
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (2 months)
Amount: EUR 198,000
Novaintermed supplied and provided the installation and training of staff for a 128-channel EEG system for performance analysis of spontaneous activity during functional MRI examination, within the research equipment of the project “Centru de Cercetare și Telemedicină în bolile neurologice la copii (Center for Research and Telemedicine in neurological disorders in children)”.
Year/Implementation period: 2018 (10 months)
Amount: EUR 1,179.000
Project “Romania-Serbia, common initiative against cancer in the cross-border region: Improving the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors” ROSECAN
Within this project, Novaintermed provided to the Resita County Hospital high-performance medical equipment: a -graphy and -scopy Roentgen device, a urological echograph, a pneumology echograph, an endoscope, 40 vital-function monitors with a central monitoring station, ICU electrical beds, videobronchoscope, pleuroscope, defibrillators, syringe pumps and complex electrical operating tables.
Our engineers installed and started up all these products, and the personnel of the hospital was trained in order to use all the medical equipment under optimal safety and efficiency conditions.
As the hospital is divided into 3 locations, the medical equipment was installed at 3 locations. Thus, for example, 20 vital-function monitors were installed with a central monitoring station at one location, and other 20 pieces of equipment were installed in different sections.
The operating tables were installed in the general surgery, urology and pneumology operating blocks, and each of them was fitted according to each specialization.
The goal of the project is to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis, the management of patient treatments, and the continuous monitoring of patients in serious condition.
Year/Implementation period: 2019 (2 months)
Amount: EUR 377,400
The specific objectives of the project were:
1. Increasing the number of people who benefit from the delivered medical equipment
2. Fitting the hospital infrastructure, especially the operating block
3. Improving the access to medical services of the persons from the region by improving the public health state
Sterilization station, composed of the following equipment:
Steam sterilizer – Model DGM ANDS-150
Washing and disinfecting machine – Model DGM ES-200 P
Machine for sealing sterilization packages from paper, plastic material stratified with paper – Heat sealer F-110 Protec
Double sink for manually washing contaminated surgical instruments
Work table
Shelves for storing sterile materials, baskets, containers
Sterilization containers
Year/Implementation period: 2018 (3 months)
Amount: EUR 2,327,147
Centrul de Terapie Genica si Celulara in Tratamentul Cancerului (The Centre for Gene and Cellular Therapies in Cancer) – OncoGen implemented the strategic project “Romania-Serbia Joint Initiative against Cancer in Cross-Border Region: Improved Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Tumors – ROSECAN”, financed by Interreg-IPA CBC Romania – Serbia Programme.
The objective of the ROSECAN project was to develop oncology in the region through a modern and efficient infrastructure, in order to ensure access to high quality services for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Novaintermed provided the OncoGen Center with medical and IT equipment as follows: state-of-the-art genetic sequencers, PCR system, microarray, DNA extraction and purification system, biochemistry analyzers, ELISA and multiplex, microscopes, cell processing device and laboratory equipment. All this equipment and others already existing in the center have been integrated in a PACS type system that allows the communication and analysis of images and data provided by the analysis equipment.
The implementation of the project involved the supply of state-of-the-art equipment, its installation and commissioning, but also the training of the beneficiary’s staff.
Through the sequencing technique, the genes involved in the occurrence and development of cancer cells are identified, ensuring an accurate diagnosis and personalization of therapy – an innovative approach that aims to cure the disease or prolong the duration and quality of life
Following the implementation of the project, the Oncogen Center can detect cancer by analyzing tumor DNA in the blood but also by performing molecular therapies with genetically modified immune system cells.
Year/Implementation period: 2019 (1 month)
Amount: RON 1,330,000
The objective of the project is to improve the infrastructure for treating patients by using new, state-of-the-art medical equipment of better quality.
The object of the contract involves the delivery, installation and commissioning of the sterilization station.
The supplied sterilization station is composed of: steam sterilizer, plasma sterilizer, instrument washer-disinfector with a 350 l capacity, endoscope washer-disinfector, device for checking the level of instrument cleaning, bag sealing machine, traceability system, stainless steel furniture and water treatment plant in the sterilization station.
The project was a complex one, among the services that had to be included there was also the design and consultancy for the arrangement of the space meant for the sterilization as well as the setup of the delivered equipment in the existing space.
Beneficiary: European Union, represented by the European Commission, Office of the European Union in Kosovo.
Year/Implementation period: 2016
Amount: EUR 73,000
Novaintermed delivered laboratory equipment to the Kosovo Food and Veterinary Agency, including: bacteriology, electrophoresis systems, pipette calibration laboratory systems and temperature and mass measuring instruments, sample processing equipment, multitemperature measuring equipment, etc.
Beneficiary: JUP Istrazivanje, Serbia
Year/Implementation period: 2016 – 2017 (6 months)
Amount: EUR 1,009,000
The object of the contract consists in the delivery of 118 pieces of equipment for the sample preparation and processing in universities of 8 cities in Serbia within the ”Supply of essential equipment for Scientific Organizations” project.
Beneficiary: UAT GORJ – Rehabilitation, modernization and fitting-out of the Outpatient Clinic within Targu Jiu County Emergency Hospital
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (10 months)
Amount: EUR 1,584,387
This project requested the rehabilitation, modernization and equipment of the Târgu-Jiu County Emergency Hospital outpatient clinic building located in Târgu-Jiu, 18 Progresului Street, according to the rules and regulations in force (structural, hygienic and sanitary, thermotechnical).
The rehabilitation works refer to the actual body of the Outpatient Clinic and aimed at aligning the construction to current fire safety regulations, implementing the necessary measures to comply with the rules for people with disabilities and thermal rehabilitation of the building. The restoration of vertical circulations, electrical wiring and plumbing were added to these. The works to be executed consisted of: – Structural works; – Architectural works; – Plumbing works (thermal, sanitary, electrical, natural gas use facilities, fire signaling installations, etc.)
The facilities part of the outpatient clinic consisted in the supply, installation and commissioning of the following elements: medical equipment, medical furniture, non-medical furniture and specific medical equipment.
Year/Implementation period: 2018 (10 months)
Amount: RON 1,034,110
In order to be able to treat orthopedic and trauma disorders correctly, it was necessary to equip and modernize the operating room within the Orthopedics Department inside the Fagaras City Hospital.
Thus, Fagaras City Hospital started the procurement procedure for the execution of purchase/installation works of a Complex System for air conditioning and advanced air purification as well as the arrangement of the premises (Operating Room) according to the specificity of the hospital area – Operating Room Maximum biological risk – Operating Room Orthopedics Department as well as Surgical scrub room, 4th floor.
For the alignment to the European standards in force, for the configuration and arrangement of the basic functional medical spaces (Orthopedics Operating Room + Surgical scrub room) we provided works and assembly services, including the supply of equipment and related technological equipment.
The categories of works performed are the following:
– architecture, partitioning/cladding;
– advanced air conditioning, ventilation and air purification facilities;
– electrical installations.
– other works and facilities with medical equipment
The requirement of hygiene, health and environmental protection involved the accomplishment of the works, so that the health and hygiene are not endangered, at the same time complying with the environmental protection.
The setup of the system included the installation, wiring, setting, configuration, programming, adjustment and commissioning of the equipment and materials, complying with the requirements of the contracting authority.
Beneficiary: 60 Romanian hospitals.
Year/Implementation period: 2007 (12 months)
Amount: EUR 1,960,892.20
ICB1- Package 3 – Analyzers for 60 Romanian hospitals — more precisely, emergency rooms equipped through the National Program financed by the World Bank.
Beneficiary: Regional Laboratories (ANARZ) from Arad, Iasi, Brasov, Craiova, Bucharest through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)
Year/Implementation period: 2008 (6 months)
Amount: EUR 390,000.00
Supply of equipment for the fitting-out of 5 regional milk control laboratories LOT 1: Vehicles for the transport of samples
Beneficiary: Administratia Porturilor Dunarii (Danube Ports Administration)
Year/Implementation period: 2002 (10 months)
Amount: EUR 881,568.00
Supply of self-propelled depollution vessel, fully equipped.
THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Romanian Center for the Training and Development of Naval Transport Personnel
Beneficiary: Romanian Center for the Training and Development of Naval Transport Personnel
Year/Implementation period: 2014 (4 months)
Amount: EUR 195,122
Simulator for emergency evacuation training in a dry environment.
Beneficiary: 150 Schools of Arts and Crafts through the Ministry of Education
Year/Implementation period: 2008 (7 months)
Amount: EUR 1,722,415.78
Supply of basic equipment for laboratories and school workshops in 150 educational establishments in the vocational and technical system. Lot 1: Manufactured products.
Beneficiary: 43 Schools of Arts and Crafts through the Ministry of Education
Year/Implementation period: 2009 (7 months)
Amount: EUR 3,550,622.22
Supply of specialized equipment for laboratories and school workshops in 150 educational establishments in the vocational and technical system. Lot 1
Beneficiary: 150 Schools of Arts and Crafts through the Ministry of Education
Year/Implementation period: 2008 (7 months)
Amount: EUR 3,314,216.49
Supply of basic equipment for laboratories and school workshops in 150 educational establishments in the vocational and technical system Lot 9: General purpose measuring instruments.
Beneficiary: Museum of Natural Sciences, Constanta
Year/Implementation period: 2015 (9 months)
Amount: EUR 543,490
The specific objectives of the project were to modernize the pumping, filtration and water treatment plant in the Dolphinarium basins – a department of Constanta Museum of Natural Sciences, to ensure optimal facilities that allow the living, reproduction and conservation of marine species in the three basins that make up the Dolphinarium, so that at the end of the investment, the Dolphinarium will rise to European standards, contributing to the growth of the region’s popularity as a tourist destination.